Giantleap partner FESB has recently completed a public report on their progress towards the development of techniques to recover fuel-cell degradation that was previously thought to be irreversible. This may have profound impact on the lifetime of fuel cells and their commercialisation.
Continue reading “Rejuvenation Techniques for PEM Fuel Cells”Category: Publications
Conference papers and presentations, public deliverables, anything Giantleap produced that can be placed on a Web site.
Giantleap to Hold Keynote at FDFC 2019
The Giantleap project will deliver a plenary keynote presentation at the 8th conference on Fundamentals and Development of Fuel Cells in Nantes, France, 12-14 February 2019.
[UPDATE] The presentation is available at this link.
Experiments on Balance-of-Plant Components
Bosch Engineering has recently completed a long-awaited report on long-term durability experiments on balance-of-plant (BoP) components in fuel-cell systems.
Continue reading “Experiments on Balance-of-Plant Components”Giantleap’s Fuel-Cell System is Ready
After two years of project, Bosch Engineering and the Giantleap Consortium can publish details of our trailer-mounted fuel-cell system for battery buses. Continue reading “Giantleap’s Fuel-Cell System is Ready”
Giantleap Control System
The Giantleap project announces today the publication of one of its core reports, Control System Specification and Algorithms. This report details the novel control concepts to be installed in the Giantleap prototype and how they fit in the pre-existing fuel-cell control unit by BEG. Continue reading “Giantleap Control System”
Interfaces for Hydrogen Range Extenders
One of the main features of the Giantleap project is the idea of using fuel cells to extend the range of battery buses. To do so, battery buses and range extenders must be equipped with standardised electrical, mechanical and communication interfaces. Continue reading “Interfaces for Hydrogen Range Extenders”
Full-Size Stacks to Integrate in the FC System
ElringKlinger delivered several stack modules in the Giantleap project for integration in the fuel-cell system and for bench testing. These modules are actually more than a stack of fuel cells, and include multiple sensors and an innovative passive recirculation system. Continue reading “Full-Size Stacks to Integrate in the FC System”
Diagnostics for automotive fuel cell systems
Different diagnostic methods (polarization curves, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, cyclic voltammetry, linear sweep voltammetry), which were performed at FESB on an already conditioned 50 cm2 (single) fuel cell provided by ElringKlinger are presented in this deliverable.
Have a closer look here and find out more about the methods and approaches that are examined for Giantleap.
Further diagnostic strategies to ensure the FC System Air Line (FCSAL) State-of-Health (SoH) monitoring were also developed based on data-driven diagnostic techniques. Guidelines for implementation of each strategy in the Giantleap project on data to be recorded on FCEB prototype from Bosch are provided.
Degradation mechanisms in automotive fuel cells
The degradation mechanisms of each component of the PEM fuel cell stack are presented in this public deliverable with a specific target to automotive fuel cells.
This major deliverable for the project, authored by Frano Barbir Continue reading “Degradation mechanisms in automotive fuel cells”
Report on Prognostic Algorithms
The Giantleap project publishes today one of its key deliverables: Model-based prognostic algorithm for PEM fuel cell systems, authored by Raffaele Petrone of the University of Franche-Comté. Continue reading “Report on Prognostic Algorithms”